The Week Ended on a Joyful Artsy Note! Art Between Fences 2018

The eventful week ended on the most melodious, pleasant and joyful note!
After catching opera Turandot (wonderful!) on Tuesday, French pianist Aimart on Thursday (extraordinary Beethoven "Hammerklavier" sonata), and a superb Smetana Trio (Czechs!!) on Friday, Sunday belonged to an unusual art show.
Five artists from four countries in one backyard in a show aptly named "Between Fences"; a designated fenced art space in between two properties. And so the Poway backyard was livened up by eclectic art that had one in common: the artists are extending their revealing souls into tangible sincere meaningful pieces so we can be inspired, we can wonder and seek our own explanation.
The organizer, Lenka Majkova, created an unpretentious, artsy, fun, Sunday-late-afternoon ambiance where art met music, hot wine met homemade food and wonderful crowd talked, hummed tune of live music gently played in the background, tasted appetizers and sweets (who made that cake!), and especially enjoyed art.

Lenka Majkova (right) introduced her new and older art, that is consistent in the exploration of her unique, not always joyful (!) universe, her thoughts, her fears, her hopes, and her visions. Always elegant, always surprisingly cleverly metaphorical, often romantic in the sense of 19th century Romanticism not in the execution but in her grasp of reality; always resourceful and fresh. I enjoy to get lost in her world, I may not always follow the story presented, but I love cracking all of the conundrums she leaves behind on canvases. Her art is honest, genuine and as bold and revealing as it can get. I admire anyone who makes herself or himself vulnerable. It takes courage. She has pleanty of that, and translates it on her canvases in an intriguing and elegant way.

Silvia from Colombia could not deny her South American roots with her earthy warm colors and pueblo-like ranches & landscapes that invite you right in; on this chilly night I could feel the warm shimmering air of her landscapes surrounding me! Her traditional paintings were juxtaposed by her abstract pieces. Loved her surface-agitated abstract landscape as well as the vibrant bold-shaped one! I value Silvia's sincerity in her art that knows no pretense, and her modesty. It was her first public art show, yet her art is well rooted already.

Zuzana Vass (Slovakia) introduced beautiful traditional watercolors among other art. Her subjects are treated with accuracy, yet they are full of pleasant melancholy and nostalgy. I enjoyed how she is able to set an ambience for the environment in which her objects are caught. Her whimsical portraits, perhaps influenced by Art Nouveau, are pure joy to see as they are, on the other hand, stripped of any melancholy and scream to the world for attention. All of Zuzana's diverse art presents a visual language of curvilinear line, organic treatment of composition and beautiful work with colors. Elegance, finesse, whimsicality of her work brings joy, inspiration and admiration. What a mature, well developed discreet beautiful craftmanship!

Veteran photographer Val Dostalek (Czech Republic) is a tireless selfless "journalist" of the Czech&Slovak community events in San Diego, excellent narrator of milestones in people's life and the state-of-the-art real estate photographer. Val chose to exhibited bold prints of San Diego landscape and several figurative photos with acute intriguing composition; my favorite are his "captured fleeing impressions" as I call them, represented in this exhibit by the dancing legs of a folklore.dancer or a theme of the setting sun. One can get happily lost in his photos, easily transcending from reality to the imaginary he presents skillfully.
Daniel James astonishes with his accurate revealing portraits of comics' characters or famous people. His "dotting" technic is fascinating to watch; each dot adding more to the shape and to the character of the portraited. Admirable. My apology for the lack of Daniel's photos that came out overexposed. So sorry!
And that was the 6th successful Mezi Ploty happening. I was leaving richer of fantasies and imagination that I borrowed from the artists who skillfully teased my own imagination that, unlike theirs, will stay locked within me. That is what separate us from the artists: they have the ability to unlock their inner world and spill it for us on canvas. And we love them for that!
Thank you, my beautiful friend, Lenka Majkova, for preparing a pleasant inspiring purely joyful Sunday evening feast. The people you attracted made for a perfect Sunday afternoon artsy hangout. I am going to bed happy and with beautiful pictures chasing each other in my mind and warmth in my soul!
Pierre-Laurent Aimart introduced modern music in teh first half