A Sold-Out Concert in a Point Loma Theatre Became a Hidden Jewel of a Classical Music Scene in San D

Pavel Šporcl, the superb charismatic and unassuming Czech violinist, delivered in San Diego an exuberant fall concert on his solo blue violin. The repertoire he chose consisted of some of the most difficult pieces a solo violin opus offers: a partita Chaconne from Bach’s 6 Sonata and Partitas for Solo Violin, excerpts from Paganini’s 24 Caprices, Eugene Ysaye’s sonata no. 4 from his 6 Sonatas for Solo Violins, and his own piece, a virtuosic rendition on a tune of a Czech anthem.
The violinist shines his beautifully looking and sounding blue violin coming from the renown Czech Spidlen's workshop (www.spidlen.cz) he smiles and softly speaks with passion about each piece, playing with deep accord with the music. We are not exposed to the “measures filled with difficult-to-play-notes”, but to music filled with all of the historical circumstances and emotions enriched by the contemporary appreciation delivered with the music deeply felt and analyzed. And so, this young Czech man is following in his endeavor the giants of extraordinary Czech violinist line that conquered the world; from Josef Slavik who measured with ease to Paganini, Karel Ondricek, that conquered and charmed America with pieces by the very-by-Americans-loved composer Antonin Dvorak, to Jan Kubelik who spread the fame of the Czech violinists in between the wars.
Pavel Šporcl’s talent, his impressive academic background combined with diligence and passion are not the only reasons for his success. He did not settle for playing superbly his music and for conquering one musical hall after the other. He devoted himself to enable music to as many as possible, trumpeting to the mature, youth and children that classical music is beautiful and yes, it is easy to let it in your life!! Just like his first teacher Ladislav Havel made him love classical music from age 6, as he confided with me, he wants to break the barriers that the “long hair music” may suffer from.
And so he rolls up his sleeves and get to work: He conducts weekly a charming TV program for children called “Little Musical Pearls” that is appealing, unpretentious, cute and fun in presenting excitement of classical music. Then there are competition to which Pavel presides, festivals he shapes, educational concerts with narratives. Mainly then Pavel is charting music unchartered, digging deep for extraordinary compositions forgotten, interprets who fell through the cruel cracks of recognition or fame....he records jewels of music you have not heard about. And the latest project that brought him and a TV crew to the USA, is a making documentary about six excellent Czech violinists who shaped the classical violin playing and pushed that art well forward. I love that urgency, determination, enjoyment and diligence with which Pavel serves to classical music.
Lang Lang is well known for his tuxedo complimented with gold Adidas, a superb pianist Yuja Wang for her scanty attire, Pavel by his iconic scarf and red Lewis. It is a fun gesture I welcome, it is a sign that these musicians love to live that stage up but never to compromise their music, never lower their high demand of diligent academic musicianship. But for our American engagement, Pavel's scarf and red jeans stayed back home!
And yes, with all modesty, I was happy I could present to my audience such a jewel in a small cozy setting.... if you run out of all prepared 155 seats with only standing room left at a classical concert, it is a happy occasion that deserves a vigorous celebration. And, if the musical crowd leaves the concert into the warm night with smiles and uplifted spirit, you know something wonderful happened! And it did, indeed.and maybe beer, pork, dumpling and sauerkraut is not the most elegant compliment to the refine music, but hey, said who....we loved every bit of that and the superb music.